• best of business planning
    advisor & specialist
  • best in Institutional Research,
    advisor & specialist

To Help Entrepreneurs Get Their Act Together
Before They Talk To Investors.

Research & Consultancy

With a track record of successful studies in a wide range of sectors, Dispositer Tree Consultancy has extensive knowledge of consumer and business sectors. We are a full-service market research agency offering a full complement of qualitative and quantitative technique.

We are a team of engineers, coders, writers and business graduates determined to offer the best solutions when it comes to the business of lead generation. From consultation to complete strategy building, we do it all for our clients.

We would like to build a free-flowing channel of information that will save precious time and hence create more value. Quality, support and satisfaction; we thrive on these principles.

Our team comprises of experienced research and marketing professionals led by the Founder Director, Dharmendra Singh who has over two and half decades of market research experience and is a highly skilled marketing practitioners.

The team is a mix of professionals with wide industry exposures covering wide range of industry sectors.
Research and Consultancy