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  • best in Institutional Research,
    advisor & specialist

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Before They Talk To Investors.

Skills Devlopment Research & Consultancy Center

Supervise, assign work, train, evaluate performance and recommend the hiring of support staff and students, and oversee all institutional research office administration including budgets, records, administrative processes and files.

Maintains and distributes data, studies, or research to support the planning efforts of the college. Develops and implements processes for collecting, linking, and analyzing data from a variety of sources including internal systems, state and federal agencies, other higher education institutions, and employers.

Dispositor Tree is a private firm that provides program evaluation research services to universities, colleges, schools, and related organizations. We specialize in formative and summative evaluation.

We help clients satisfy funding requirements while continually improving the participant experience. Most of our projects focus on one or more of the following areas: STEM, reading, at-risk students, and teacher professional development.
Institutional Research and Consultancy